The Empress tarot card left to right: The RWS Deck, The Thoth tarot deck & The Gilded Tarot deck.The meaning of the Empress tarot card is pretty much the first impression you get when looking at the card. That is, The Empress as Mother Nature. The Empress as Mother Nature rules over the cycles of the
Are Tarot Cards Evil?
From the Robin Wood Tarot So…are tarot cards evil? I’m gonna save you time. They are if you think they are. Just like money. If you have a subconscious belief that money is evil or that rich people are selfish, that’s exactly what you’ll see around you. Or if you’re on the left politically, the folks on the right
The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning
The High Priestess cards from RWS, Robin Wood Tarot Deck, Tarot of The Holy Light by Christine Payne-Towler & Michael DowersThe High Priestess tarot card meaning is an enigmatic one for many people, including many tarot readers. This actually makes sense, as she is quite enigmatic and mysterious herself! When The High Priestess card shows up in
The Magician Tarot Card Meaning
L to R: RWS Tarot, CBD Tarot de Marseilles, Gilded Tarot The meaning of The Magician tarot card is an exciting one! Whenever he shows up in a spread, it’s a challenge to break through any fear based limits we’ve placed on ourselves. Tarot’s Magician is an original thinker and very creative with many resources at
The Fool Tarot Card Meaning
I feel like The Fool in the most everyday sense as I sit to write this. Although when I’m doing tarot readings, and The Fool card shows up, I seem to have access to an overflowing storehouse of what to say regarding The Fool’s message, right now I feel at a loss for words. But
Tarot Reversals & 5 Reasons Why I Don’t Use Them
If you’ve been involved with reading tarot for any length of time, you might have been led to believe that tarot reversals are some kind of dogmatic rule. It’s not! Before we begin, I’m definitely not against anyone using reversals if they prefer. A good tarot reader needs to develop their own system and style. I began reading
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