Are You Ready To Be Free Of Negative Thoughts And Feelings…Without Spending A Lot Of Time?
Simple. Powerful. More results with less effort.
Enroll in Let.It.Go. Five 1:1 sessions with Davidson Yeager for busy people who want to make a quantum leap in spiritual and personal growth.
$75 off special discount $500 $425 for subscribers!
Learn a powerful time tested method that’s simple to use
Intellectual understanding will only take you so far.
Learn how to put it into practice and grow!
Effortlessly transform stressful feelings into joy
Learn this ONE secret of transforming any negative thought or feeling.
Once you know this, your life will never be the same.
Fast track your spiritual growth - no rituals or meditation cushions required
Your life will always supply you exactly what you need to grow.
You just need to be willing to pay attention and spot the subtle tricks of "ego."
Do you want more authentic confidence, joy and aliveness? Maybe you’ve even achieved some outward trappings of success but you don’t feel connected to a deep sense of meaning in Life. There are times you ask yourself “what’s the point of all the struggle?”
That's because a fundamental error is being made...
You’re looking for freedom and happiness where it can’t be found.
Imagine you get triggered by something or someone - but you know with utter certainty that you can face the thoughts and feelings that are being stirred up! You no longer feel powerless against them. You know HOW to let them go.
But it gets even better...
- Every time you let something go, it’s gone for good. This doesn’t mean similar negative feelings won’t come up again - there are many layers to the mind. But your confidence in your ability to choose not to identify with those feelings will grow
- Your motivation to let go of negativity will naturally increase which means it gets easier and easier
- You own life will bring you the exact situations you need to grow from!
- Whenever you feel negativity, you’ll know that it’s actually a cue to let go
- The more you let go, the more abundance you will create in any area of your life that you choose to focus on

I’m Davidson Yeager,
Spiritual Growth Teacher
Until a profound spiritual transformation in December 1997, I was looking for happiness in all the wrong ways and all the wrong places.
I had an indie rock band that was doing well on the local club scene and was teaching guitar by day in a music store. I had many exciting adventures during that time and it looked “successful” from the outside.
But on the inside, I felt very depressed and alone. This developed into a full blown case of alchoholism and dark night of the soul that went on for 6 years.
Something happened to me on that December day in 1997 and I haven’t had a drink or indulged in any recreational drugs since. Effortlessly. But...
It's about much more than simply being free of addictive patterns…
For me, that was just the beginning. Since that time I’ve been on a dedicated path to bring any spiritual understanding into everyday life. To make it real.
I've persevered in order to understand the inner workings of the mind and soul to an even greater degree.
What I discovered about spiritual growth was this...I could make my own life into my spiritual practice!
- I didn’t have to escape from engaging with the world in any way. I could live an active life that was still profoundly connected to my inner Being.
- With this more natural approach, opportunites to grow happen everyday in our relationships, family, work, health - you name it!
- Imagine how you’d feel if you knew who and what you are beyond your temporary identity in physical form? If you knew you could effortlessly have more courage to face your obstacles and challenges?
But here’s the thing: not as a conditioned belief or intellectual concept - as your own direct experience. Imagine how your life would change! How much unecessary stress from racing against the clock would just melt off your shoulders.
What They Say
The sessions with David have been an absolute game changer for me.
I’ve been going through a separation as well as career changes and these sessions changed my life in a very big way.
In fact, a colleague noticed and asked me what had changed. I told him about David’s Let.It.Go. sessions. Highly recommend it!
Robert Odum
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
David's methods of bringing conscious awareness into everyday life has supported me immensely in my journey.
Not only has this awareness helped me with everyday situations, but it has given me the tools to work through issues from the past that I've held onto for far too long.
I'm so thankful to have worked with David.
Meredith Eckherdt
Higher Self Wellness Expert
When I first started my work with Dave, I was a mess, my mind racing at all times, so depressed I cried everyday.
After working with Dave, his teachings and meditations taught me a whole new way of putting things into perspective, a whole new way to be aware of everything and why.
I no longer cry everyday and can better understand and accept myself for who I am. I am extremely grateful to have had the privilege to have been enlightened by such a wonderful teacher.
Linda H.
Chicago, Illinois
"Let go of your attachment to your past as an excuse for your life conditions today. You are the product of the choices you are making right now." - Wayne Dyer
Conflicting Spiritual Growth Advice
If you start looking for advice on how to heal or let go, you’ll quickly find yourself going down an endless rabbit hole of techniques, jargon, complicated rituals or strategies and well meaning “hacks” that are supposed to help you let go of energy blocks…
And most of the advice you do find is either hopelessly outdated, cumbersome or full of “shoulds” and rigid rules.
That’s not very useful for you, is it?
If only there was a way to get 80% of the results of spiritual growth by just doing 20% of the work…
Let.It.Go. is a 5 week immersion in letting go of your most frustrating issues. They are weekly 1:1 sessions with me over a period of 5 weeks
These sessions are designed to get you up and running with how to let go.
You’ll complete the sessions with a strong knowledge of how to face and transform your issues, negativity, fears, etc. as they come up in daily life
Your sense of meaning and purpose in life will deepen and strengthen
This leads to an unshakeable inner strength and inner peace - even when the proverbial s#$t hits the fan
Uncover Deep Purpose and Meaning
- I know you haven’t got the time to invest in spiritual programs that encourage you to avoid the world
- I know that you don’t resonate with approaches that look at the world or yourself as being fundamentally flawed
- You also know that extreme "asceticism" is not the answer - and you don't have time for complex rituals
- Let’s build a solid foundation so that you can create more joy and abundance from the inside to the outside of YOUR life!

Davidson Yeager
What Happens Inside The Let.It.Go. Sessions
- We’ll meet via Zoom once each week
- In the 1st session we’ll chat briefly in order to choose which issue(s) you want to start working with
- I’ll briefly explain the letting go techniques to you
- I’ll guide you into a light meditative state where we’ll begin applying some letting go “inquiry” techniques to your issue
- Because you're working with me, you'll effortlessly access a high state of awareness and Presence. This will make it easier for you to let go of layers of "stuff"...that you thought you couldn't let go of!
- We’ll discuss the session and I'll answer any questions you might have
- I’ll give you some "homework" to experiment with applying to your life that week
- I’ll ask you to to memorize the simple letting go cues we used in your session. You do this by applying it to your own life during the week. They will also be on a PDF cheat sheet for your convenience

“Everyone should be aware of these techniques that David uses to facilitate letting go. I can’t believe it’s not more well known! I’m a nurse at a very busy hospital and I wish he could come and work with the staff here. I was able to deal with difficult co-workers during the stress of the pandemic with far more ease and confidence than I ever could before. Working with David has been an amazing experience.”
Kim Harders
Why Trying To Let Go Doesn't Work
A lot of teachers and coaches are saying “let it go” but they don’t tell you HOW
This might even work sometimes. With the small stuff. Very small stuff. BUT…
What about when those intense and painful feelings are triggered as they inevitably are?
You’re going to need much more than willpower.
Without a powerful technique that you can use everytime to grab your mind by the reins, it’s almost impossible to transform negativity into courage, creativity, love and deep inner peace.
What About Meditation and Mindfulness?
Meditation and mindfulness can certainly be extremely helpful for some. But it’s not for everyone! That’s like saying everyone should exercise in a particular way. There are many people who cannot sit and formally meditate for any number of reasons.
And even if they can, their life soon gets in the way and they just feel guilty for missing their sessions.
With letting go, your own life - especially the challenges and obstacles - becomes the way to spiritual growth and freedom!
With letting go, you might even discover that meditation is your natural state - it’s not something so formalized.
What about therapy?
There are some spiritually enlightened therapists out there somewhere. And therapy can be very helpful for some people. But…
Most therapy in general is geared to looking at the past. This often sets people up for believing they are a victim of their past.
Yes, we need to spend some time looking at our past to see what patterns have been put into play. Where did these feelings originate? But this is only so we can let it go. So we can be free of wanting to change and re-live our past.
Then we can move forward with real hope and enthusiasm while creating our future.
Most therapy AND meditation/mindfulness is a subset of behavioural medicine. The spiritual dimension is usually not included. It’s mind and body only - instead of mind, body AND soul.
To be clear, I'm not against these tools. They're obviously helpful and not something to ignore. I'm also not qualified to diagnose or treat medical conditions.
I'm simply pointing out that the ability to consciously let go takes you directly to what you are looking for.
It's time to choose
Work 1:1 with me and develop a powerful skill for Life!
Special discounted price $75 off regular price only for subscribers
Let.It.Go. $500 $425
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.
100% Zero Risk GUARANTEE for 14 Days
As powerful as the sessions are, they aren’t necessarily for everyone. And some people won’t do the work required (it’s not much!) to see results.
I’m offering a 100% Guarantee of your full payment refunded if after 14 days (2 sessions) you don’t feel it’s working out for you.
All you need to do is send me your request along with a basic outline of the work you did (or didn’t do).
No need to worry! Even if you didn’t do any work, you will get a full 100% refund.
“I was going through a very stressful period with my work. I was irritable, upset and losing sleep at night. Some of the people and issues within my organization were very difficult to deal with. I started working with Dave and within a few minutes of our 1st session I was cracking up and laughing out loud at the things that had been tying me up in knots! I was able to go on and deal with that period of my life with calm, confidence and even enthusiasm - thanks to my sessions with him. I recommend Dave’s Let.It.Go. sessions highly!”
Catherine Corbett - Ontario, Canada
Who The Heck Am I To Help You With This Great Work?
I'm not anyone's guru. I'm just a person like you.
I've been through a LOT of hard lessons. Addiction, poverty, divorce, bankruptcy, a major health crisis and much more.
This is not to say you haven't been through hard stuff!
I somehow came through the other side with something valuable to offer - beyond just life experience.
Since having a profound spiritual awakening in 1997, I’ve worked with clients on issues ranging from going through divorce, feeling hopeless about ever finding love, switching careers, going through health crises, finding meaning and purpose in Life, etc.
I’m a certified facilitator in the Sedona Method and a Reiki master.
I have intensively studied esoteric spiritual systems eastern and western for 40 years.
I’ve been working with letting go of identifying with negative thoughts and feelings since 1997
I’m wired by nature to teach and communicate. There are many people who are now spiritually awakening to some degree but they aren’t necessarily wired to teach.
You need someone who can find just the right way of explaining things so that you’ll be able to find it within yourself.
The first sign will be something (or someone) that previously bothered you will have less power to do so.
This will give you the excitement to go even further!
If you're working on a project, any discouragement or doubt that comes up will be more quickly erased.
You'll notice your relationships will improve as you work on letting go.
Sometimes it might look like you're going backwards. You're not! You're actually becoming more aware and sensitive to what is going on inside of you.
This is a golden opportunity to let go!
Absolutely! See our 100% risk free guarantee above.
Absolutely not! What you are letting go of is the resistance you have to life. The doubt, fear, frustration - the feelings and old thought patterns that hold you back from taking enthusiastic and bold action!
When you let these hold backs go, your natural courage and authentic confidence are free to flow into your life.
Definitely! In some ways being “new” to spiritual perspectives is an advantage. You won’t have as many preconceived ideas to block your progress.
What we discover as we let go is that it’s natural. Anyone can do it.
No. Definitely not. While it acknowledges a Higher Power or Divine Intelligence, it’s not confined to any creed - and there’s no dogma.
It’s a distilled essence of the wisdom of sages and mystics throughout the ages. It is Universal.
There is a meditative quality that we work with, yes. But it’s not a formal meditation where you sit, count, chant, set a timer, etc.
It’s the meditation that is already our natural state when we learn to notice it. It’s always there in the background - before, during and after every experience.
Results will begin right away! Of course like with anything, you get out of it what you put into it. It’s an awareness - once you become more aware of it, it will be there for life. You can’t become less aware of it.
And results will grow and expand as you live your life and persevere with this new awareness.
It doesn’t matter what your religious affiliation or belief is. This approach is Universal and there is no creed or dogma attached - other than a Higher Power available to us all.
See the question “is this a religion?” above.
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Sign up for Let.It.Go.
P.S. Let.It.Go. is infinitely practical because you’ll effortlessly flow into your authentic way of being which means more freedom from robotic conditioning.
You’ll have more courage - effortlessly - because you won’t be as attached to wanting approval or security. They will always operate somewhat as long as you’re human - but will wither with lack of attention.
Because of less fear, you will have more discernment and intuition to guide you in your daily life.
Books or teachers can only ever point to the truth that is already inside of you. You still have to do the work - just as you do with anything you want to learn or master.
Letting go is no longer a luxury in this rapidly changing world.