Love 24/7 started as a melody that was haunting me. I would hear it in my head all the time.
I then did the most common sense thing and started fooling around on the piano and guitar in order to realize the melody.
In it’s raw form, “Love 24/7” probably didn’t sound like much — and I had doubts.
But something kept drawing me back to it — it wouldn’t let me go.
The most challenging thing (as is mostly the case) was coming up with lyrics that were relevant, poetic and rhythmically fit the melody.
That part took me some time until I finally settled on the idea of a new “service” in town that offered support 24/7.
That service of course, was Love.
It was partly inspired by a certain client that Mary was working with.
This client was always complaining about how bad their childhood was and how it was now holding them back.
But this person also had a lot going for them —including financial stability, abundance and decent health — that they seemed to constantly overlook.
I also thought “man, a lot of people, myself included have been through “stuff.” In my case I was a homeless runaway at 17. I somehow managed to build some success with my life but then lost everything at 28 ( and spiralled into depression and alcoholism for 6 years. I then had some tough work waiting for me in order to start spiralling upwards.
Mary has been through even worse in other ways.
And I thought “how were we able to turn things around? Are we special? Do we somehow have a different nervous system?” I know for myself, the first step was to acknowledge my responsibility in things and stop playing the victim.
And no, this is not to pass judgement on anyone who is struggling!
On the contrary, I hope it provides hope and inspiration. Even though it seems (it is!) like a different lifetime when I used to feel hopeless and utterly lost, if this can inspire one person to take up the challenge of choosing to Love themselves, then my mission is accomplished.
The Music Behind “Love 24/7”
As always, I played the instruments and did all the vocals here in my very modest home studio.
Note: I currently play the bass in real time using my keyboard. I’m dreaming about a real bass guitar — even though it will probably be right handed. I have yet to see a left handed bass except for Sir Paul McCartney’s. I’m pretty sure I can handle playing it the other way around. I have some experience jamming like that — and I think I can learn to play grooving and musical bass lines with a right handed bass.
I then started sending mixes to Gary Gray in LA. He would get back to me with suggestions about what I could do to bring the level of production higher.
This went back and forth so many times I can’t tell you! At one point, I was like “I can’t take any more red marks on my song!!” LOL
However, I sucked it up, let go of the frustration, and kept chipping away until I finally crossed the finish line.
Gary then brought in Kristen LaRoche to play the drum parts live in a studio in Orange County.
The next stage of course, was the mastering which was done by Gary. He also added some subtle strings which sound incredible!
Enjoy the song. If you are uplifted by it, please share it!