Are you hit and miss when it comes to manifesting abundance? Join the club! I’ve been there.
In this article I’m going to guide you to a deeper understanding of not only what the principles of manifesting abundance are, but how and why they work.
Hopefully by the time you finish this article, you’ll have a much deeper understanding of how to attract abundance.

The Magician archetype from tarot is a great image to describe manifesting.
What Is Abundance To You?
This is quite a vast subject which is why I’ll be writing several articles around this.
For example, what IS abundance? We have the version society teaches us. Some money and a bit of fame. But that seems quite a narrow definition. Do we really have to sacrifice our mental and physical health, relationships, spiritual realizations, etc.?
I’m putting this forward because if we’ve thought deeply about what abundance means for us, then we have a much better chance of experiencing it in our reality.
So for now, until I write a more in depth article about what abundance is, ask yourself this question. Reflect upon it. It’s not what your parent’s version is, or your spouses, or society’s. It’s your version of abundance.
If you can have a deeper understanding of how and why attracting abundance works, you can more successfully eliminate the deep rooted doubts that are getting in your way.
I mean, let’s face it. Most manifesting abundance principles are counter to the way we’ve been taught.
That’s why we can often manifest something small but then other things can seem so elusive.
Before Beginning The Manifesting Process (This Is The Most Important Part That Everybody Overlooks)
We’re in such a hurry to get to what we want, we forget that life only ever happens in the present moment.
When we have a desire to improve ourselves or our lives in some way, we are also telling the universe that we are not enough and we don’t have enough.
The universe receives this “energetic imprint” and says “ok. Here is more lack and poverty for you!” And oftentimes, abundance and success is right in front of us in some form but we’re missing it.
So, how do we get around this obstacle when manifesting what we desire?
We release our resistance to “what is” in the present moment. We find the happiness and abundance in what we have RIGHT NOW.
This is also why Gratitude is so often encouraged as a key to manifesting abundance.
When we can find gratitude for the way our life situation is right now, we have much more power available to assist us in creating more of what we want.
Please don’t gloss over this very important point because it is the key that sparks the ignition.
And if you’ve ever practiced gratitude before, you’ll know that it cannot be forced. It must be genuinely felt in your heart.
The 4 Simple Steps To Manifesting Abundance
That’s it! These steps are nothing new. For example, they are part of the core teachings of the classic spiritual text from India called the Bhagavad Gita. This looks easy on paper, but requires more than an intellectual understanding. Continue reading below for ways to raise your energy in order to manifest abundance and true success.
Raise Your Vibration
People say this a lot. I think in plain language, it simply means to work on not being pulled into negativity. Engaging in this practice of manifesting abundance will automatically raise your vibration because you learn about yourself and your relationship to Life.
Manifesting Abundance Teaches You About Yourself
This is another secret. The law of attraction (as it is commonly known these days) is actually the law of life itself.
Thought can only create. In fact, there is so much to this vast topic, that I will be writing about it for a very long time!
To really understand how to manifest what you desire is to understand the very truth of your being and reality.
Even though I love to go deep, in this article I want to get you up and running in ways that will help you.
As you practice, you will automatically begin to receive instructions from your inner teacher (in-tuition).
As a matter of fact, this article is a mirror of your own inner teacher.
To really understand how to manifest what you desire is to understand the very truth of your deepest being and Reality.
Final Suggestions And Wrap Up...
Don’t think too much. The more you try and figure it out, the more you’re stepping on the brakes. I told you it was counter to the way we’ve been taught, didn’t I?
We’re told we must have it all “figured out.”
As you go through this process in your life, you will encounter many layers of resistance coming up.
When this struggle happens, relax your shoulders and breathe as best you can.
Remind yourself this is spiritual progress. More of the real you is breaking through the cocoon of social programming.
If something you’ve been trying to manifest fails or doesn’t seem to happen, it’s not because of your karma. You are not being punished.
Remind yourself (your surface personality) that there is a deeper wiser part of you below the surface that always has your best interest at heart.
I’ve been around long enough to have “failed” or been rejected many times. Guess what? I’m still here, wiser and stronger than before.
In all those cases, I actually see now that I “dodged a bullet” — and I’ve actually always only get what I’ve wanted.
This may be difficult for some of you to understand, however it is my hope that you will one day see the truth of this.
Wishing you success and all your true desires to come true.