Song About Spiritual Awakening



A song about spiritual awakening. People have reported feeling calmed and uplifted by listening to “Soul.”. It’s definitely a song that comes from higher realms.

To be honest, most of my songs come to me as flashes of inspiration.

Either the main part or the entire song.

From there, it’s a matter of applying craftsmanship to bring it into the world.


Playing And Discovering Between Guitar Students

I also teach guitar. (I’ve now taught over 10,000 private guitar and piano lessons in my career!)

I’d finished teaching for the evening and has about 20 minutes before leaving to participate in Mary’s Zumba class.

I was noodling about on my guitar. In this case I think it was my acoustic steel string.

The entire melody and chords just popped right in out of thin air. Even a few of the lyrics.

In these situations where I don’t have much time ( that’s usually when these flashes of inspiration happen!) I either record it quickly or write it out on music notepads.

I recorded it so I wouldn’t forget it — plus some of the lyrics were coming out spontaneously as I vocalized the melody.

You may also enjoy reading about how songs happen.



Song About Spiritual Awakening And My Left Brain

The left brain part of writing kicked in quietly and suggested it be a song about spiritual awakening. Yes! 🙂

When I wrote the song I was connecting with some very deep parts of Life. And I was truly feeling that come hell or high water, I was going to bring my Soul’s mission to bear in this world.

Whatever perceived failure (and I’ve had oh so many! Lol) I may have to go through — and whatever success might come my way, I EXIST!

I have a right to be me. And my voice deserves to be heard.

That’s the basic vibe of “Soul.” So I want you to bring YOUR Soul to bear on the world. Don’t allow fear and doubt to hold you back.

I’ve experienced fear and doubt at every step along the way of my journey. But I learn and get stronger by going around it or simply ignoring it.

Like I said above, I’ve had more than my share of “failure.” As an artist it feels like you’re literally putting your heart and soul on the line.

People are busy so sometimes all you hear for all of your hard work is “crickets.” But you can’t stop making music when that’s what you are here to do.

Making music is my calling. Not only because I love writing, singing and playing guitar. Because it’s my sacred duty.


Song About Spiritual Awakening
Soul Cover Art by Mary



“SOUL”  by Davidson Yeager

                                                              © 2011 all rights reserved

All of my walls falling down

Down to the ground

Down down


Choirs of Angels call my name

Where do I start?

Where is my Heart?


I’m bringing my Soul to this world

Calling It down ’til It walks this ground

Bringing my Soul to this world

Don’t know what else there’s to do…


Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid

Go with the flow

Give up your control

Choirs of Angels call your name

Where do you start?

Where is your Heart?


You’re bringing some Soul to this world

Calling It down ’til It walks this ground

Bringing some Soul to this world

Don’t know what else there’s to do, hey!


Me and you. Not a lot to do.

Let’s bring Soul Love to this world’s so blue yeah!


Bringing my Soul to this world

Calling It down ’til It walks this ground

Bringing my Soul to this world

Don’t know what else there’s to do…

Thanks for reading. As I said above, “Soul” is a song about spiritual awakening — so please share this article with anyone you think will be uplifted and inspired by it 🙂

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  • Such a beautiful song! Thank you for sharing.. I know I’ll play this before I go to sleep! You and Mary are such Beautiful Souls!
    HugsNLove 💕🌸💕

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